Information Technology

IT Help Desk, Audio/Video, Instructional Technologies, Programming, Networking, Information Security, Telephony, and more

Categories (14)

Accounts and Access

Services Related to Accounts and Requesting Access

Computers, Devices, and Printing Support

Services Related to Computers, Devices and Printing Support

Computer Software

Services Related to Software and Applications

Wi-Fi and Network Connectivity

Services Related to Wi-Fi and wired Network


Help with all Banner related topics

Classroom Technology & Student Computer Labs

Report issues or request assistance in any of our classrooms or computer labs

Microsoft 365

Email, Teams, OneDrive, Forms, and more

MyHerkimer Portal

Services related to MyHerkimer

AV Services

Services Related to Audio and Video

Academic Applications

Get help with academic applications

Business Systems

Get help with business applications

Information Security

Services Related to Security

Information Restoration and Migration

Restore files or emails that are backed up

Campus Safety Systems

Campus Safety Systems

Services (3)

Request Password Reset

Can't Sign-in to your account? Click on the Request Password Reset!

Something Is Broken!

Trouble with any of our services? Click on the Request Service on this page, and we will be on it!

General IT Assistance

If you can't find which service to request, submit a general assistance ticket, and we will help you out!